Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We don't quit

Austin hates football.  I wanted so bad for him to love it.  He hates wearing a helmet because his head itches.  He doesn't like the pads because he thinks he looks funny.  I think he's adorable!

I hate seeing him struggle on the field, but he needs to learn.  He will not quit.  He will run when he acts crazy and I will run with him.  I don't expect him to do anything I wouldn't do.  
His school hired a new teacher and they put him in her class.  So far it seems like a better fit.  He got a smiley face and a straight face.... instead of sad faces or no faces at all.  I know that it's hard for him.  I know he will struggle.  We just have to work together.  He's a lot like I was and I know it gets better.  

On a lighter note... Megan was beat boxing this afternoon.  I asked her who taught her.  She said she taught herself.  She cracks me up.  She is my sweet little girl.  

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Austin had a better day at school on Friday... still wasn't a good day, but at least it was better.  I went to bed early on Friday then ran did a 5k Saturday morning.  I napped most of the day after that and then I finally got to go to Bonefish with my mom and step-dad. Dinner was AWESOME!  Bang bang shrimp is as good as everyone says.  Then I took my first trip to a make your own and pay by weight fro-yo place.


I also got to hang out with my sister and Dorothy for a while.  I ended up spending the night with my sister and then going to go see GLEE!!!

Austin and I talked a lot about how he is going to act at school.  Hopefully something got through his thick little skull.  I have a feeling that he is going to be a lot like me... hopefully we will both get through it alive. 

And now thanks to Theresa I am now hooked on Switched at Birth.  At least I returned the favor with Make it or Break it.  Gotta love ABC Family!  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Principles and Principals

Austin got sent to the principal's office today.  I was hoping we weren't going to go this route, but at least he waited a couple days.  His teacher turned out to be kind of a push-over.  That was something I was dreading.  The principle of the point is though, he should be able to listen no matter what.  I went and talked to the principal, who luckily was super nice about everything.  I told her I am working very hard with him.  I had a serious talk with him pretty much all afternoon.  He was a million times better at football practice, so maybe he will have a better day tomorrow.  They are in the process of hiring another kindergarten teacher.  I told her to put him with the teacher that is going to lay down the law.  Hopefully the teacher they hire is a bit of a hard ass.

I wish he would act as cute as he looks all the time!  We will get through this and he will have better days.  Hopefully they outnumber the bad ones!  I am not going to be easy on him.  That isn't what he needs.  It's hard for me, but it will be better for him in the long run.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Shit just got real y'all.   I sat down today and wrote out my schedule for the next couple months.  I really think I am a crazy person.  Like ape shit crazy.  Pretty much every minute of everyday is booked during the week.  I do not work one regular day all week.  I either work more or less than 8 hours.  I have to shift my time around because of my class that I go to twice a week during work hours. Have I mentioned how lucky I am to have the job I do?  Yes?  Ok, we will move on. I am about to be a full time student while I work a full time job... all while being a single parent of two lovely children.  Austin is in more than one sport.  I think it's worth it.  
How cute is this dude?

Don't let him fool you though... He was a big fat whiner in that getup.  He kept asking any adult in sight to scratch his neck. Buuuut Moooooommmmmmy I'm iiiiiiitchiiiiiing.  I am pretty sure whining is annoying to everyone, but it drives me INSANE.  Luckily he was on the other side of the fence.  Mommy might have had to teach him what a face mask penalty was... or at least that would have been my excuse. So it was hot and it was raining and he is 5 but come on.  

We went to Austin's orientation today.  He asked while we were in the classroom if he could go explore.  Is he Dora now?  The teacher said he would have to learn the rules of the classroom before he could touch anything.  I think I am going to like her!  He told me that he is going to miss his school(daycare) because he likes playing more than learning.  I told him that learning will be fun.  I don't think he believed me.  

I really hope I live until Christmas.  I think the extra money from the GI bill will soften the blow.  Rest assured that I am scheduling my workouts too.  It would be a lot easier if I had someone to watch them while I got in my weekend workouts.... 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My favorite little girl

One of my role models is my daughter.  I would love to be as self confident, happy and friendly as her.  She definitely finds happiness in the little things.  This is a list of things that made her happy tonight.
  1. She could lay with mommy when she was supposed to be going to bed
  2. Not going to sleep
  3. Watching her brother play games... she loves watching everything he plays
  4.  Playing with her friend- one of many she has already made at football practice
  5. Catching butterflies- I have no idea when she did this.  She says she was trying at school
  6. Playing downstairs.
I really believe the key to being happy is finding joy in the little things.  I also know a huge part of a child's happiness is the whole lack of responsibility thing.  I am just glad that I get to be around this chick everyday.

And this guy is pretty bad ass too

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Birthday parties and homemade pizza

Saturday was such a busy day!  We woke up early to go to Austin's soccer orientation.  His practices are on Tuesday and Saturday so at least he will be able to be at one of them.  His coach seemed excited he was on his team(I hope he wasn't faking it) I love that he is known!  He said he doesn't need much practice.  This should be a good season.... hopefully the games don't clash too much.
Then we went and signed up for the gym!  They had a moon bounce and had music playing.  Austin was entertaining everyone by trying to break dance.  He had everyone cracking up.  I didn't mind claiming him that day.  We were right on schedule to make it to the birthday party on time.
The birthday boy was so cute and the party was amazing.  The Cat in the Hat even made an appearance.  She had coloring sheets and frost your own cupcakes.  The kids had a blast.
 Austin is getting really good at making goofy faces for the blog.  Megan still needs practice.
I dropped them off at parent's night out and then met up with Amy K and my cousin.  We just had a low key night talking and playing pool.  I ended up spending the night with Amy K at my mom's.  My mom's bed is the most comfortable bed in the whole entire world.  Hi Mom... 
We wathed tv and napped all day.  We watched Toddlers and Tiaras. 
Oh Em Gee... some of those moms and kid are cah-ray-zee.  It's fun to watch though.
For dinner I made pizzas!  I bought some pizza crust from earthfare and did it all myself.  I did just cheese for the kids.  Mine had a pesto base with mozzarella cheese and spinach, mushrooms, chicken, avocado and of course a little bit of feta.  It was the best pizza I have EVER had.
Again with the gray bars... I dunno.
What is YOUR favorite pizza?

Friday, August 5, 2011

busy days and busy nights

Meet my new salad bowl

Yes I am aware that it is a casserole dish, but I am obsessed with spinach, feta and raspberry vinaigrette- insert many other ingredients depending on the day.  Today for lunch I had spinach and feta pizza along with it(told you I was obsessed).  I am surprised I didn't dip the pizza in the dressing.

I go to work late on Fridays and some of my programs were not working on my computer.  I almost forgot about the carnival.  Ok, ok, I did forget- one of my coworkers reminded me.  I am sure glad I didn't miss Austin hyped up on cotton candy... he kept saying but I've only had one- of everything- even when it was like 17 or Megan drunk on sugary drinks      
Can someone tell me why some of my pictures have a gray bar on the bottom?Later we went to see on of my best friends from high school.  This is a hard time for her right now and I wanted to hug her and let her know I am here for her.  I am not sure how she is about being talked about in blog land so I won't talk about that anymore.  After that we went to The Fresh Market.  I was not impressed.  I wanted to be, but it wasn't really that big of a deal.  Just seemed over priced to me.  I would much rather go to Earth Fare for the price.  After getting some groceries we went to the movie.  I am glad it didn't rain.So was Megan!     Tomorrow we have a soccer meeting.  Best case scenario is we have practices on Wednesday and Saturday.  I really hope that he can stay in soccer.  I know he will like it better than football, but we need to give football a try.  If he can't do both we will just wait for soccer in the spring.  After the meeting I am signing up for the gym.  Then we are going to a birthday party.  Then I have to work out.  Then I have plans tomorrow with my sister and cousin while they are at parent's night out.  I am so much happier when my days and nights are full.  I feel like way less of a lame-o.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Meant to be?

I've been thinking for a while that I want to join a gym.  I have been struggling with it because I do have a place I can work out.  I didn't want to pay for a place when I could just work out at work.  

When I go to the gym at work there is this girl that walks on the treadmill.  I'm not mad at her cause at least she's exercising.  Buuuuuut she's always on the treadmill I like.  Aaaaaand she doesn't like music!  What is wrong with a person to where they wouldn't like music?!?!?!?  She always asks to turn the radio down- then you can't hear it.  So shouldn't someone RUNNING in the gym take precedence over someone that is simply walking?  I know I should have an iPod or something with headphones, but I don't and there is a radio for a reason right? I might have mentioned this already, but it's just that annoying.

Thing is I want to do more. I want to do classes and I want to use an Arc Trainer.  I found a gym that has a location near my job and my house.  They are building a new state of the art location suuuuper close to my house.  All their cardio machines have tv's on them.  I love that.  

I went for an orientation today at the gym.  They are having a membership drive on Saturday and you don't have to pay a registration fee.  I think there is something to say about the timing.  I think I am going to go on Saturday and join.  I HAVE to keep going to the gym if I'm paying for it... right?

While I was there I sat down for an evaluation to see if I wanted to do a weight loss program.  I weighed and she took my measurements.  When she got to the chest part I told her to just put huge... she laughed and said she wishes she had that problem.  She even did measurements of my calves and ankles.  I told her I would have shaved if I knew someone was going to get fresh with me.  It's sad cause that's the most action I'm had in months.      

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not always as it seems

This looks to me like cereal, cottage cheese and apples
It's yogurt that was frozen(not the fro-yo I would like), white peaches and granola.
Better than it looks, right?

I know I don't look like a chick that can runs much less can run 3 miles.
I can!

Football for a 5 year old? Practice 3 days a week 1.5 hours each!  That's a lot huh? Too much?  Not for Austin!  Maybe he'll get tired. Eh, probably not.
At practice they tell us we need a practice jersey, mouth guard, chin strap and practice pants with pads.  They say don't get the set because it's cheaper.  They tell me to get my husband to take the pads in and out for me to wash them.  Husband? I don't have one of those... now what?  And even if I did- why do you assume I am the one doing the laundry?  From the looks of it I am the only single mom on the team.  Aaaaawkward... 

It's one thing to be single and it's another to be a married mom...  but it's so weird to be a single mother.  How do I date and get that period of time where I am all into that person?  I am all into my kids.  I just don't see how it will ever happen.  I love how much we are doing and I love our little life.  I just can't help but think about what it could be like to have another adult to lean on while I do all this.  Someone's lap for me to lay my head on while we are at the drive-in.  Someone to help me with the effin pads for his pants.  Someone to help me get them ready in the morning.  Just someone...

As if I didn't have enough going on, I'm adding more.  I know I can handle it though.  Full time job and full time school?  Too much? Not for me.  It's hard for me to get stuff done unless I have "too much" going on.  If I think I have more than enough time I tend to procrastinate. 

I got dressed this morning, normal clothes, and I feel blah.  I get to work and he tells me I look good.  He always makes me smile.  I am thankful for him and all the other people in my life that make everything easier to handle. 

Who makes you smile?

New Favorite Sauce

So you remember that sauce I was talking about?  No?  I know it was years ago.  
Well it turned out amazing and even my friends at work like it.  I am quite proud.  

First I cut up an onion and yes I cried.
1 large onion and 2 cloves of garlic(maybe more I love garlic)
Cook in hot oil just until tender

I never knew how to peel a tomato without destroying it.
Boiling water 30 seconds... ice water until cool
Voilà! Skin peels right off!!

Then cut tomatoes into quarters and add to the pot with
1 1/2 cups water
6 oz tomato paste
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp instant beef bouillon granules
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp crushed basil( I used fresh)
1/8 tsp pepper (I use the red/black combo)
1 bay leaf
after 1.5 LONG hours I use this
to make this
I hate chunky tomatoes, but you do as you like
You can serve like this but don't forget to take out the bay leaf
oooooooor add
this- 1 lb ground beef
and these wonderful mushrooms
I wanted to eat these all before they got to the sauce

I thought I was going to have to try a couple different recipes before I found a winner, but this was it!
I am going to make a LARGE batch and freeze it.  

Question... what kind of noodles are your favorite?
Mine are corkscrew, but I'm going to buy whole wheat noodles when I'm out.